“Encontramos nos projetos Erasmus+ e nas parcerias de cooperação internacional uma porta aberta para proporcionar experiências formativas ricas e diversificadas à comunidade escolar, dando-nos oportunidade de pôr em prática os princípios que elencamos como missão”.

O Agrupamento de Escolas de D. Dinis agregou em 2013 uma vasta comunidade educativa constituída, atualmente, por cerca de 1900 alunos repartidos por todos os níveis de ensino. A sede do Agrupamento está instalada na Escola Básica e Secundária de D. Dinis (EBSDD) que é uma instituição de referência no concelho de Santo Tirso e que herda a vontade de aprender e de ensinar de uma comunidade educativa que remonta ao ano de 1932, situando-se na cidade de Santo Tirso, em pleno Vale do Ave


I ragazzi dell’Erasmus sono stati ricevuti a palazzo Nodari.  Ad accoglierli gli assessori Andrea Pavanello e Mirella Zambello, che hanno portato il saluto dell’amministrazione. Ad accompagnare i giovani, Luca Fonti presidente dell’associazione Muoversi.eu che, da dieci anni,  segue il progetto.

I ragazzi, provenienti da Spagna e Portogallo, sono in città per effettuare un periodo di stage nelle aziende del nostro territorio.

Si tratta di una bella esperienza, come hanno sottolineato gli amministratori, sia dal punto professionale, che umano. Un arricchimento e un capitale importante per la crescita di ognuno.

Prima dei saluti, la foto ricordo.


Fonte: https://www.comune.rovigo.it/myportal/C_H620/dettaglio/contenuto/ragazzi-dellerasmus-a-palazzo-nodari-09062022

Ao longo de trinta anos de existência, a Escola EPS de Setubal tem vindo a aumentar consideravelmente o número de cursos e turmas. Até ao momento já diplomou mais de 3000 jovens com cursos profissionais de dupla certificação, escolar e profissional (Nível 4), nas mais diversas áreas de formação, como: Audiovisuais e Produção dos Media; Comércio; Comunicação Marketing e Publicidade; Gestão e Administração; Ciências Informáticas; Metalurgia e Metalomecânica; Eletrónica e Automação; Energias Renováveis; Tecnologia de Processos Químicos; Ciências Farmacêuticas; Saúde; Trabalho Social e Orientação; Hotelaria e Restauração; Turismo e Lazer; Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho.

Neste Programma Erasmus Setubal-Rovigo 2022 temos 2 grupos de 9 alunos envolvidos no desenvolvimentos dessas competencias.


Alem do estagio, os jovens alunos visitaram muitas cidades perto da cidade de Rovigo, como Venezia, Bologna, Padova, Verona, Firenze, Ferrara e Verona.



A Escola Profissional de Setúbal (EPS) é um estabelecimento de ensino profissional que tem a missão de: Contribuir para a formação integral dos jovens, proporcionando-lhes, designadamente, preparação adequada para um exercício profissional qualificado;

  • Desenvolver mecanismos de aproximação com as instituições económicas, profissionais, associativas, sociais, culturais, do respetivo tecido social;
  • Facultar aos alunos contactos com o mundo do trabalho e experiência profissional, preparando-os para uma adequada inserção socioprofissional;
  • Promover, juntamente com outros agentes e instituições locais, a concretização de um projeto de formação de recursos humanos qualificados que responda às necessidades do desenvolvimento integrado do País, particularmente nos âmbitos regional e local;
  • Facultar aos alunos uma sólida formação geral, científica e tecnológica, capaz de os preparar para a vida ativa, sem prejuízo da possibilidade de prosseguimento de estudos superiores.

Aqui um grupo de alunos deles durante o desevolvimento do proprio estagios.


Seminario sul tema Erasmus+  organizzato da Muoversi.eu in conformità con la strategia di diffusione dell’Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+  per la divulgazione delle buone pratiche che riconoscono e mettono in risalto le organizzazioni per i loro risultati o contributi significativi agli obiettivi del programma.


Dr. Pedro Pires, Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação
œOpportunità dall’ Erasmus+

Dr. Ricardo Sampaio, Scuola Professionale di Santo Tirso
L’€™ Europeizzazione nell’insegnamento superiore

Dr. Luca Fonti, Muoversi.eu di Rovigo
“Integrazione tra studenti europei ed Enti locali ed Imprese della città di Rovigo”

Partecipanti al Progetto Erasmus+ 2016 ed Ex-Partecipanti (2015 e 2014)

Invitati ufficiali
Confindustria Venezia e Rovigo
Accademia dei Concordi
Comune di Rovigo
Turismo e Cultura
CTG Veneto
Pop Lab
Baratella Calzature
IT Geometri
Perle e Murrine
Liceo Scientifico Paleocapa
IT Geometri A. Bernini
IIS De Amicis

Click here for the:  Final Presentation results Erasmus+


The Environment.Skills project made stronger that EE is a broad concept implying many different aspects of life
(personal, professional, etc.) and through the project development the environmental themes have been integrated to
the curricula of participants and educative institutions.
The Environment.Skills project created best possibilities for shaping people’s value orientations. The project moulded a new way to implement EE, showing as sustainable development is a system of knowledge, skills, attitudes and value
orientations, which made people conscious of the relations of the natural, economic, and socio-cultural environment,
focusing thereby on the idea of sustainable development.

Within the project, NTM strengthened and working-out on the components of environmental education, as:
-Awareness and sensitivity to the environment and environmental challenges
-Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges
-Attitudes of concern for the environment and motivation to improve or maintain environmental quality
-Skills to identify and help resolve environmental challenges
-Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental challenges.


Environment.Skills addressed to 21 participants in VET, divided in:
-16 NTM teaching staff, for a training period abroad of 6 days, excluding travel;
-5 learners studying environmental management subjects, for a training period abroad of 13 days, excluding travel;
-6 extra participants have been calculated but this flow has been canceled for Covid19 pandemic.
Educational background referred to the sectors of the environmental subjects, biological, organic, sustainable,
managerial and communicative activities connected to the environmental education, training and management context and equivalent.

The Environment.Skills gave the opportunity to do an internship VET (NTM teaching staff and learners in EE and
environment management), thematic EE and sustainable development, for staff and learners, bearing the added value
of internationality. The training activities referred therefore to a full-immersion experience in environmental realities and entities of a different European country (Italy), through a process of effective depth and targeted training.

The training process in the selected as talented foreign entity, strategic for practing and developing training and
educational environmental activities, allowed participants to acquire knowledge and develop managerial, training and
communicative skills connected to the EE, sustainable development and environment management.

Environment.Skills empowered individuals and communities to become agents of change to achieve the well-being of
the human race without compromising that of future generations. It applied holistic approaches to target the
environmental, economic and social well-being of the human race and the whole planet.
The project chose Italy as European country of destination, for its characteristics and its neighborhood to Malta, close
for distance but especially for the similar Mediterranean environmental contexts.

NTM, applicant organisation, worked synergistically with the foreign intermediary and hosting company located in the
foreign Country. The entire partnership (national and foreign) is, by missions, addicted to encourage KNOWLEDGE and SECTORAL SKILLS, operating with synergistic action between EDUCATION and VOCATIONAL WORK TRAINING, encouraging the development of education and management skills and the attainment of qualifications for fill in the gaps at skills level.

-high feedback on the national educational, entrepreneurial and environmental context.
-enhancement of synergy environment-education-economy.
-creation of a pool of national HR strategic to encourage adaptation and innovation and to support the strengthening of environmental policies in many different sector.
-partecipatory presence and importance of interactions between Countries.

The impact is strong on the environmental education concept: is a driving force to obtain a qualitatively high feedback
on the national EE and sustainable development context; it also created a pool of national human resources strategic to encourage adaptation and innovation and to support the strengthening of environmental policies in the educational and managerial sectors of environment context in Malta.

On the LONG TERM, the Environment.Skills project:
-with the added value of internationality, generated broadmindedness and adaptation and provided the right tools to
compete in this specific context;
-with its objectives, is contributing to the environmental challenges so that the EU can becoming the most competitive
and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.

We are happy and satisfied that at the end, despite Covid19 challenges, we completed all mobilities and objectives.


Alunos Erasmus em Rovigo da Escola Profissional de Setúbal, decorreu em contexto Europeu, no âmbito do Programa ERASMUS. Esta experiência permite que os alunos promovam a sua autonomia e responsabilidade, reforçando as competências essenciais e transversais, nomeadamente aprendizagem de línguas e competências digitais, consolidando valores como inclusão, diversidade, tolerância e participação democrática, conhecimento e respeito pelo património europeu comum.

Para todos os alunos, este estágio correspondeu ao primeiro momento de FCT, dos dois que integram o plano curricular dos respetivos Cursos.

Foram distribuídos por 3 países (Itália, Espanha e Alemanha), alunos dos seguintes cursos: Técnico de Gestão de Equipamentos Informáticos; Técnico de Turismo; Técnico/a Mecatrónica Automóvel; Técnico/a de Comunicação – Marketing, Relações Públicas e Publicidade; Técnico/a Auxiliar de Farmácia e Técnico de Gestão e Programação de Sistemas Informáticos, correspondentes a 8 destinos: Rovigo (Itália); Xàtiva, Tarragona, San Sebastian, Málaga, Lugo, Badalona (Espanha) e Leverkusen (Alemanha).

Para facilitar a sua integração, todos os alunos foram acompanhados por professores, que tiveram oportunidade de observar os locais onde os alunos iriam ficar instalados e onde iriam decorrer os respetivos estágios.

O processo que envolveu a organização destes estágios, resulta de um contacto próximo com parceiros (Escolas e Empresas), que tem vindo a ser consolidado ao longo dos anos e que é essencial para que possamos alcançar os objetivos previstos para o Programa ERASMUS em articulação com o Perfil dos Alunos à Saída da Escolaridade Obrigatória, uma vez que “Educar no século XXI exige a perceção de que é fundamental conseguir adaptar-se a novos contextos e novas estruturas, mobilizando as competências, mas também estando preparado para atualizar conhecimentos e desempenhar novas funções”.




The Environment.Skills project made stronger that EE is a broad concept implying many different aspects of life (personal, professional, etc.) and through the project development the environmental themes have been integrated to the curricula of participants and educative institutions.
The Environment.Skills project created best possibilities for shaping people’s value orientations. The project moulded a new way to implement EE, showing as sustainable development is a system of knowledge, skills, attitudes and value orientations, which made people conscious of the relations of the natural, economic, and socio-cultural environment, focusing thereby on the idea of sustainable development.

Within the project, NTM strengthened and working-out on the components of environmental education, as:
-Awareness and sensitivity to the environment and environmental challenges
-Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges
-Attitudes of concern for the environment and motivation to improve or maintain environmental quality
-Skills to identify and help resolve environmental challenges
-Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental challenges.


Environment.Skills addressed to 21 participants in VET, divided in:
-16 NTM teaching staff, for a training period abroad of 6 days, excluding travel;
-5 learners studying environmental management subjects, for a training period abroad of 13 days, excluding travel;
-6 extra participants have been calculated but this flow has been canceled for Covid19 pandemic.
Educational background referred to the sectors of the environmental subjects, biological, organic, sustainable, managerial and communicative activities connected to the environmental education, training and management context and equivalent.

The Environment.Skills gave the opportunity to do an internship VET (NTM teaching staff and learners in EE and environment management), thematic EE and sustainable development, for staff and learners, bearing the added value of internationality. The training activities referred therefore to a full-immersion experience in environmental realities and entities of a different European country (Italy), through a process of effective depth and targeted training.

The training process in the selected as talented foreign entity, strategic for practing and developing training and educational environmental activities, allowed participants to acquire knowledge and develop managerial, training and communicative skills connected to the EE, sustainable development and environment management.

Environment.Skills empowered individuals and communities to become agents of change to achieve the well-being of the human race without compromising that of future generations. It applied holistic approaches to target the environmental, economic and social well-being of the human race and the whole planet.
The project chose Italy as European country of destination, for its characteristics and its neighborhood to Malta, close for distance but especially for the similar Mediterranean environmental contexts.

NTM, applicant organisation, worked synergistically with the foreign intermediary and hosting company located in the foreign Country. The entire partnership (national and foreign) is, by missions, addicted to encourage KNOWLEDGE and SECTORAL SKILLS, operating with synergistic action between EDUCATION and VOCATIONAL WORK TRAINING, encouraging the development of education and management skills and the attainment of qualifications for fill in the gaps at skills level.

-high feedback on the national educational, entrepreneurial and environmental context.
-enhancement of synergy environment-education-economy.
-creation of a pool of national HR strategic to encourage adaptation and innovation and to support the strengthening of environmental policies in many different sector.
-partecipatory presence and importance of interactions between Countries.

The impact is strong on the environmental education concept: is a driving force to obtain a qualitatively high feedback on the national EE and sustainable development context; it also created a pool of national human resources strategic to encourage adaptation and innovation and to support the strengthening of environmental policies in the educational and managerial sectors of environment context in Malta.

On the LONG TERM, the Environment.Skills project:
-with the added value of internationality, generated broadmindedness and adaptation and provided the right tools to compete in this specific context;
-with its objectives, is contributing to the environmental challenges so that the EU can becoming the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.

We are happy and satisfied that at the end, despite Covid19 challenges, we completed all moblities and objectives.


Final Presentation results E+


Video del progetto ERASMUS+ ITALY , ESCOLA DE ARTE E IMAGEM DE GAIA PORTUGAL, al termine della mobilità.

Si ringrazia il Direttore Josè Magalhoes e tutto lo staff della scuola IAI.

Os alunos dos Cursos de Ensino Artístico IAI encontram-se, de 12 de outubro a 07 de novembro, a realizar um estágio em Itália – Rovigo, no âmbito do Programa Erasmus + – “European Skills”. Para além da experiência profissional e académica os alunos aproveitam para conhecer a história e património do país, visitando, entre outros locais, Veneza e Florença.