M.I. Massaazikool, the Tallin International Massage Academy, arrives in the Veneto province for a European project of professional sector visit and training, to be carried out on a path in the field of physiotherapy and massages on the territory of Rovigo. The project, promoted by the International Massage Academy of Tallin (www.massaaz.ee), has also foreseen among the destinations also Italy, where to deal with reception and logistics and training organization was the Association of exchanges cultural Muoversi.eu (www.muoversi.eu), based in Rovigo and already well tested on an international level and worthy of merit for having promoted and made known in recent years this area of ​​Polesine to other countries such as Malta and Portugal, always through the European design network. Luca Fonti, president of the agency, explains how Muoversi.eu deals with the activities related to training related to the European mobility intervention programs. Intermediary and reception structure, provides for the organization and management of projects for the part related to language training and the inclusion of participants in private companies, public bodies and organizations, for the purposes of conducting the training internship and achieving the objectives of project. The two participants Mai-Liis Toivar and Aljona Säilev, respectively a scholastic director and deputy director at the Estonian Academy, are spending the 2-week period, scheduled from 12 to 27 September, dropped in a path of high professional training and deepening technical and specific in the area of ​​massages and physiotherapy. The host institution for the internship is the Fisiomed Srl Rehabilitation Center (www.fisiomed.eu) which, contacted by Muoversi.eu, was immediately available for the implementation of the program, making available, in addition to its facilities, also the professional skills of the staff. The Director Mario Loro welcomed the Estonian professionals with great openness and enthusiasm, undertaking with them a path of exchange of techniques and mutual training that is bringing positive results and qualitative growth to all involved, from a point of view certainly professional but also personal thanks to the added value of cultural exchange. At the Fisiomed facilities, as planned by Muoversi.eu, other highly professional meetings were held in recent days, carried out by external experts in holistic techniques of energetic massage, coming from private studies in Veneto and Emilia, which they passionate all the participants, stimulating new debates on the subject and expanding the horizons of the sector.



Under the Erasmus + Program, funded by the European Union, six students from the 12th year of the courses in Commerce and Computer Science had the opportunity to undertake a seven-week internship in Rovigo, Italy.

During this period, besides the stage that realized, they were able to visit Venice, Padua, Ferrara and Rome. Moments they will certainly not forget, both personally and professionally.

Santo Tirso is in Rovigo!

Under the Erasmus + Program, funded by the European Union, the Cidenai Professional School received the 2016 Good Practice Award in Braga, in the Medieval Hall of the University of Minho, on 21 September.

In this ceremony, the Pedagogical Director was present on behalf of the school, who proudly received this award, representative of the commitment and permanent link of the school to Europe, providing various experiences to its students abroad.

This award honors the 2015 project, which allowed 12 students, who were in their 11th and 12th years, to take the internship abroad, namely in Rovigo, Italy from Muoversi.eu, and Tenerife.

This project also included post-training internships for four students in Derry, Ireland. Santo Tirso is in Europe!

Seminario sul tema ERASMUS+€


Dr. Pedro Pires, Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação
œOpportunità dall’ Erasmus+

Dr. Ricardo Sampaio, Scuola Professionale di Santo Tirso
L’€™ Europeizzazione nell’insegnamento superiore

Dr. Luca Fonti, Muoversi.eu di Rovigo
“Integrazione tra studenti europei ed Enti locali ed Imprese della città di Rovigo”

Partecipanti al Progetto Erasmus+ 2016 ed Ex-Partecipanti (2015 e 2014)

Invitati ufficiali
Confindustria Venezia e Rovigo
Accademia dei Concordi
Comune di Rovigo
Turismo e Cultura
CTG Veneto
Pop Lab
Baratella Calzature
IT Geometri
Perle e Murrine
Liceo Scientifico Paleocapa
IT Geometri A. Bernini
IIS De Amicis

Intervistati durante la pausa del corso di cultura e lingua Italiana, un gruppo di giovani Erasmus di Rovigo si trova alle prese con uno strano personaggio.

Under the Erasmus + Program, funded by the European Union, the Cidenai Vocational School provided 12 students from the Secretariat, Commerce and Information Technology courses to study abroad for seven weeks. Thus, six senior year students were in Rovigo, Italy, from May 11 to June 29.

This participation helped to enrich their professional training, but also personal, having these students experienced a multiplicity of experiences.  Also worthy of note were the International Multiplier Events, in each of the destinations, where the Project, the Cidenai School, the region of Santo Tirso and even the country were promoted.

In Rovigo, this took place on June 24, with the participation of the Educational Director, Ricardo Sampaio, the Director General, Mário Barros, and a representative of the National Agency Erasmus +, Pedro Pires. In Tenerife, the event took place on July 29, with the participation of the Pedagogical Director of the School.

They were two very remarkable and singular moments, with lectures, debates and presentations of the performance of the participants.

Finished Mobility Project Management (MiM) coordinated by Muoversi.eu in collaboration with Malta Vocational Centre and the Malta Institute of Managment organization. Continua a leggere

The second meeting of a series of 2 mobility projects began, which a consortium of schools from the Greek islands started with the Muoversi.eu association of Rovigo.

The project includes seminars, business and cultural visits in the province of Rovigo. Great impact on the young participants who have visited the best companies of the high Polesine operating in the development of sustainable tourism. Following the group Luca Fonti together with Dimitris Angelinas.

On May 9th, at 4:00 p.m., a delegation of six students, the third year of the Management Computer Technician courses (Paulo Alves and Tiago Ferreira) and Technical Secretary (Ana Alves, Cátia Alves, Kelly Alves and Liliana Neto) , accompanied by Professor Maria Dulce Ferreira, were preparing to check in for Italy, more specifically the city of Rovigo, where they will carry out the Training in the Work Context for seven weeks.

With a brief walk through the beautiful city of Bologna, the arrival at Rovigo was awaited with expectation. Great changes were expected: contact with a foreign language, knowledge of the host entities, among many other aspects.

But at the end of a week, words like “nail”, “buongiorno”, “grazie” were already part of everyone’s daily life. A great and enriching opportunity that these six young people will have. They will surely return to Portugal with a hand full of excellent memories and good learning.

Nature Trust Malta, l’equivalente del nostro WWF, ha appena terminato, nella provincia di Rovigo, un progetto europeo di visita e formazione professionale di settore, svolto in un percorso di conservazione ambientale relativo alla fauna e flora del nostro territorio.
Il progetto, promosso da Malta Vocational Centre e Muoversi.eu, ha appunto previsto come destinazione la città di Rovigo.
l’Associazione di scambi culturali Muoversi.eu (www.muoversi.eu), con sede a Rovigo e già ben collaudata su livello internazionale e degna di merito per aver promosso e fatto conoscere negli ultimi anni quest’area del polesine ad altri Paesi quali Malta, Estonia e Portogallo, sempre attraverso il network di progettazione europea.
Luca Fonti, presidente dell’ente, spiega come Muoversi.eu si occupi appunto delle attività legate alla formazione correlata ai programmi d’intervento di mobilità europea. Struttura intermediaria e di accoglienza, provvede proprio all’organizzazione e alla gestione di progetti per la parte connessa alla formazione linguistica e all’inserimento dei partecipanti in aziende private, enti pubblici e organizzazioni, ai fini dello svolgimento dello stage formativo e del raggiungimento degli obiettivi di progetto.
I 9 partecipanti maltesi hanno soggiornato nella nostra città complessivamente per un mese, per svolgere il loro tirocinio calati in un percorso di alta formazione professionale e approfondimento tecnico e specifico nell’area faunistica.
Ente principale ospitante per il tirocinio è stato il Parco Faunistico Valcorba che, contattato da Muoversi.eu, si è reso immediatamente disponibile alla realizzazione del programma, mettendo a disposizione, oltre alle proprie strutture, anche le competenze professionali dello staff. La referente Erica Ponara ha accolto con grande apertura ed entusiasmo i ragazzi maltesi, intraprendendo con gli stessi un percorso educativo sulle tecniche di gestione e manutenzione del parco, e di formazione che ha apportando risultati positivi e accrescimento qualitativo a tutti i coinvolti, da un punto di vista sicuramente professionale ma anche personale grazie al valore aggiunto dell’interscambio culturale.