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Multiplicator Events in Rovigo

Under the Erasmus + Program, funded by the European Union, the Cidenai Vocational School provided 12 students from the Secretariat, Commerce and Information Technology courses to study abroad for seven weeks. Thus, six senior year students were in Rovigo, Italy, from May 11 to June 29.

This participation helped to enrich their professional training, but also personal, having these students experienced a multiplicity of experiences.  Also worthy of note were the International Multiplier Events, in each of the destinations, where the Project, the Cidenai School, the region of Santo Tirso and even the country were promoted.

In Rovigo, this took place on June 24, with the participation of the Educational Director, Ricardo Sampaio, the Director General, Mário Barros, and a representative of the National Agency Erasmus +, Pedro Pires. In Tenerife, the event took place on July 29, with the participation of the Pedagogical Director of the School.

They were two very remarkable and singular moments, with lectures, debates and presentations of the performance of the participants.