Click here for the: Final Presentation results Erasmus+
The Environment.Skills project made stronger that EE is a broad concept implying many different aspects of life
(personal, professional, etc.) and through the project development the environmental themes have been integrated to
the curricula of participants and educative institutions.
The Environment.Skills project created best possibilities for shaping people’s value orientations. The project moulded a new way to implement EE, showing as sustainable development is a system of knowledge, skills, attitudes and value
orientations, which made people conscious of the relations of the natural, economic, and socio-cultural environment,
focusing thereby on the idea of sustainable development.
Within the project, NTM strengthened and working-out on the components of environmental education, as:
-Awareness and sensitivity to the environment and environmental challenges
-Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges
-Attitudes of concern for the environment and motivation to improve or maintain environmental quality
-Skills to identify and help resolve environmental challenges
-Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental challenges.
Environment.Skills addressed to 21 participants in VET, divided in:
-16 NTM teaching staff, for a training period abroad of 6 days, excluding travel;
-5 learners studying environmental management subjects, for a training period abroad of 13 days, excluding travel;
-6 extra participants have been calculated but this flow has been canceled for Covid19 pandemic.
Educational background referred to the sectors of the environmental subjects, biological, organic, sustainable,
managerial and communicative activities connected to the environmental education, training and management context and equivalent.
The Environment.Skills gave the opportunity to do an internship VET (NTM teaching staff and learners in EE and
environment management), thematic EE and sustainable development, for staff and learners, bearing the added value
of internationality. The training activities referred therefore to a full-immersion experience in environmental realities and entities of a different European country (Italy), through a process of effective depth and targeted training.
The training process in the selected as talented foreign entity, strategic for practing and developing training and
educational environmental activities, allowed participants to acquire knowledge and develop managerial, training and
communicative skills connected to the EE, sustainable development and environment management.
Environment.Skills empowered individuals and communities to become agents of change to achieve the well-being of
the human race without compromising that of future generations. It applied holistic approaches to target the
environmental, economic and social well-being of the human race and the whole planet.
The project chose Italy as European country of destination, for its characteristics and its neighborhood to Malta, close
for distance but especially for the similar Mediterranean environmental contexts.
NTM, applicant organisation, worked synergistically with the foreign intermediary and hosting company located in the
foreign Country. The entire partnership (national and foreign) is, by missions, addicted to encourage KNOWLEDGE and SECTORAL SKILLS, operating with synergistic action between EDUCATION and VOCATIONAL WORK TRAINING, encouraging the development of education and management skills and the attainment of qualifications for fill in the gaps at skills level.
-high feedback on the national educational, entrepreneurial and environmental context.
-enhancement of synergy environment-education-economy.
-creation of a pool of national HR strategic to encourage adaptation and innovation and to support the strengthening of environmental policies in many different sector.
-partecipatory presence and importance of interactions between Countries.
The impact is strong on the environmental education concept: is a driving force to obtain a qualitatively high feedback
on the national EE and sustainable development context; it also created a pool of national human resources strategic to encourage adaptation and innovation and to support the strengthening of environmental policies in the educational and managerial sectors of environment context in Malta.
On the LONG TERM, the Environment.Skills project:
-with the added value of internationality, generated broadmindedness and adaptation and provided the right tools to
compete in this specific context;
-with its objectives, is contributing to the environmental challenges so that the EU can becoming the most competitive
and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.
We are happy and satisfied that at the end, despite Covid19 challenges, we completed all mobilities and objectives.
- incontro
- appunti
- presentazione
- esercizi
- location
- insieme
- appunti
- dopo formazione
- the end